Converting an AutoCAD drawing from DWG to a PDF in A3 size is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide:
Steps to Convert DWG to PDF (A3 Size)
Open Your Drawing in AutoCAD:
Launch AutoCAD and open the DWG file you wish to convert.
Set Up the Layout for A3:
Go to the Layout tab (usually at the bottom of the screen, next to Model).
Right-click on the layout tab and select Page Setup Manager.
Click Modify to change the page setup for the layout.
Configure the Plot Settings:
In the Page Setup dialog box, do the following:
Printer/Plotter: Choose a PDF plotter (e.g., "DWG to PDF.pc3").
Paper Size: Select "ISO A3 (420.00 x 297.00 mm)" or any A3 size listed.
Plot Area: Set it to Window and select the area you want to include in the PDF.
Plot Scale: Ensure the scale is set as per your requirement (e.g., 1:1).
Orientation: Choose Landscape or Portrait based on your drawing.
Plot Style Table: Choose a plot style (e.g., monochrome.ctb for black-and-white output or acad.ctb for color).
Preview the Plot:
Click Preview to ensure the drawing fits correctly on the A3 page.
Plot to PDF:
If everything looks good, click OK to close the setup dialog.
Back in the Page Setup Manager, select your layout and click Set Current.
Then click Plot (or use the Ctrl+P shortcut).
Save the PDF file to your desired location.
Verify the PDF:
Open the generated PDF to ensure it meets your expectations