Credit : Jay Night.
This is a clip from the upcoming return of TALKING D&D Podcast. Series 2 here we come.
In Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition (5e), death saves are a mechanic used to determine the fate of a character who has been reduced to 0 hit points (HP) and is in danger of dying. Here's how they work:
1. Rolling a Death Save: When a character reaches 0 HP due to damage or other effects, they must immediately make a death saving throw. This is a simple d20 roll, with the following outcomes:
Rolling a 1-9 is a failure.
Rolling a 10-19 is a success.
Rolling a natural 20 is a critical success, and the character stabilizes and gains 1 hit point.
2. Accumulating Results: Characters continue to make death saving throws at the beginning of their turns until they either stabilize or die. Successes and failures are accumulated separately. If a character accumulates three successes before three failures, they stabilize and are unconscious but no longer at risk of dying. If they accumulate three failures, they die.
3. Rolling a Natural 1: Rolling a natural 1 counts as two failures, bringing the character closer to death. Conversely, rolling a natural 20 stabilizes the character.
4. Stabilization: If a character is stabilized, they remain unconscious but no longer need to make death saves. They will regain 1 hit point after a period of time or if someone administers a healing spell or a successful Medicine check.
5. Healing and Death Saves: If a character receives healing (such as a healing spell or a potion) while making death saves, they immediately regain hit points and are conscious again, no longer needing to make death saves.
Death saves add a dramatic element to the game, as characters teeter on the brink of life and death during combat or other dangerous situations. It's important for players and Dungeon Masters to understand these rules to determine the fate of characters when they reach 0 HP.