This is a simple project to develop Inventory Management System with Ajax, PHP & MySQL. There is a live demo created to manage inventory with PHP and Ajax.
This inventory system can be used by companies to reduce their carrying costs.
This project is also very useful for college students for their project assignment. Students can download complete source code of this project and run on their local server (WAMP/XAMPP).
Here are the features of this inventory management system:
1- Secure encrypted user login to access inventory management system.
2- Dashboard to current inventory details.
3- Manage customer to add new customer, edit and delete customer record.
4- Manage category to add new category, edit and delete category record.
5- Manage brand to add new brand details, edit and delete brand record.
6- Manage product to add new product, view, edit and delete product record.
7- Manage supplier to add new supplier details, edit and delete supplier record.
8- Manage purchase to add make new purchase, edit and delete purchase details.
9- Manage orders to create new orders, edit and delete order orders.
Source code :
#inventorysystemphp, #inventorysystem, #inventorysystemphpmysql,#inventorysystemajax, #phpproject, #freephpproject