👉Power BI Scenario based Interview Question: Creating single column with multiple currency formats

Опубликовано: 29 Сентябрь 2024
на канале: PowerBI Zone

Looking for Power BI interview questions and answers? In this video, we'll cover a popular interview scenario - creating a column with multiple currency formats in Power BI. Whether you're preparing for a Power BI job interview or just want to expand your skills, this video will help you understand the process of creating a column with multiple currency formats in Power BI. These interview questions and answers will also give you a better understanding of how to use this feature in real-life business scenarios. Watch now to boost your Power BI knowledge!.
#powerbi #powerbi_training #currencycolumn

We will use the DAX function FORMAT and SWITCH to achieve our goal.

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To learn more on FORMAT refer : https://dax.guide/format/

Chapters :
0:33 :Scenario Explained
1:54 :Usage of FORMAT function
2:11 :Inserting SWITCH function
2:40 :Usage of # inside FORMAT
3:23 :Alt Keys for Currency Symbols
5:03 :Fixing Space issue between currency & number