Elden Ring 100% completion includes most the collectibles and trophies in easy to follow guide to earn the platinum trophy/100% completion. Read the important information below👇
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🛣 Roadmap:
Estimated trophy difficulty: 6/10
Approximate amount of time to platinum: 60-100 Hours
Number of missable trophies: 5 (Elden Lord, Age of the Stars, Lord of Frenzied Flame, Legendary Armaments and Lichdragon Fortissax)
Minimum Playthroughs: 1 by Manual Save before important moment, reload to complete other endings
Free-Roam: Yes
⚠️ Important notes:
You can choose any build but I recommend playing as Mage as it’s the most easier to play with
Make sure to exhausted all dialogues with NPCs.
Don’t kill any NPCs
t’s very IMPORTANT to create Manual Save on cloud or local backup to get all endings in single playthrough, otherwise you’ll have to play earn in new game plus but that at very end of the game.
🧭 Timecodes:
0:00:00 - Carian Study Hall
0:16:28 - Divine Tower of Liurnia
0:19:45 - Sealed Tunnel
0:30:15 - Smoldering Church
0:33:10 - Minor Erdtree
0:34:45 - Minor Erdtree Catacombs
0:48:15 - Caelem Ruins
1:06:04 - Forsaken Ruins
1:09:46 - Fort Gael
1:22:10 - Gaol Cave
1:39:15 - Decaying Ekzykes
1:42:19 - Cathedral of Dragon Communion
1:42:45 - Legendary Sorceries and Incantations Trophy (4/7): Greyoll’s Roar
1:56:30 - Caelid Catacombs
2:00:39 - Swamp of Aeonia
2:02:35 - Commander O’Neil
2:10:07 - Sellia Gateway
2:10:27 - Gowry Quest (1)
2:13:53 - Sellia, Town of Sorcery
2:25:43 - Millicent Quest (1)
2:36:34 - Swamp Lookout Tower
2:38:01 - Millicent Quest (2): Exhaust his dialogue
2:38:47 - Gowry Quest (2)
2:46:31 - Sellia Evergaol
2:52:33 - Greyoll’s Dragonbarrow
3:03:08 - Minor Erdtree
3:10:17 - Drgonbarrow Cave
3:17:19 - Sorceress Sellen Quest (4)
3:24:12 - Legendary Sorceries and Incantations Trophy (5/7): Stars of Ruin
3:29:42 - Sorceress Sellen Quest (5)
3:31:34 - Sorceress Sellen Quest (6)
3:34:35 - Sorceress Sellen Quest (8)
3:36:25 - Blaidd Quest (6)
3:39:37 - Sorceress Sellen Quest (9)
3:41:34 - Sorceress Sellen Quest (10)
3:42:55 - Sorceress Sellen Quest (11)
3:47:32 - Capital Outskirts
3:54:53 - Ranni the Witch Quest (7)
3:56:50 - Legendary Armaments Trophy (4/10): Dark Moon Greatsword
3:57:10 - Volcano Manor
3:58:52 - Rya Quest (5)
3:59:15 - Knight Bernahl (2)
3:59:56 - Diallos Quest (3)
4:01:50 - Patches Quest (4)
4:03:06 - Tanith Quest (2)
4:06:32 - Knight Bernahl (3)
4:08:01 - Patches Quest (5)
4:10:15 - Deeproot Depths
4:20:33 - Legendary Sorceries and Incantations Trophy (6/7): Elden Stars
5:07:30 - Fia Quest (8)
5:12:38 - Fia Quest (9)
5:13:03 - Lichdragon Fortissax Trophy
5:14:33 - D Hunter of the Dead Quest (4)
5:23:30 - Moonlight Altar
5:23:49 - Moonfolk Ruins
5:26:28 - Lunar Estate Ruins
5:33:35 - Ringleader’s Evergaol
5:34:51 - Legendary Ashen Remains trophy (3/6): Black Knife Tiche
5:37:32 - Ruin-Strewn Precipiece Invader
5:40:14 - Altus Plateau Invader
5:41:08 - Tanith Quest (3)
5:42:45 - Patches Quest (6)
5:45:26 - Rya Quest (6)
5:46:07 - Knight Bernahl (4)
5:48:58 - Rya Quest (7)
6:00:28 - Volcano Manor
6:43:20 - Godskin Noble
6:44:54 - Rya Quest (8)
6:46:35 - Tanith Quest (4)
6:55:31 - Rya Quest (9)
7:09:04 - Tanith Quest (5)
7:10:04 - Mt. Gelmir
7:36:37 - Volcano Cave
7:43:11 - Wyndham Ruins
7:52:01 - Wyndham Catacombs
8:09:24 - Fort Laiedd
8:11:16 - Mt. Gelmir
8:13:21 - Iron Fist Alexander Quest (5)
8:15:09 - Hermit’s Shack
8:18:50 - Craftsman’s Shack
8:20:23 - Hermit Village
8:23:30 - Altus Plateau
8:25:29 - Perfumer’s Ruins
8:30:57 - Unsightly Catacombs
8:37:19 - Sage’s Cave
8:49:38 - Millicent Quest (3)
8:53:48 - Lux Ruins
8:59:47 - Legendary Talismans Trophy (4/8): Godfrey Icon
9:08:26 - Capital Outskirts
9:18:53 - Perfumer’s Grotto
9:30:21 - Old Altus Tunnel
9:38:18 - Second Church of Marika
9:38:59 - Bloody Finger Hunter Yura Quest (4)
9:47:02 - The Shaded Castle
10:19:45 - Legendary Armaments Trophy (5/10): Marais Executioner’s Sword
10:21:45 - Gelmir Hero’s Grave
10:34:52 - Dung Eater Quest (2)
10:39:13 - Brother Corhyn Quest (2)
10:42:55 - Brother Corhyn Quest (3)
10:46:10 - Writhblood Ruins
10:59:16 - Brother Corhyn Quest (4)
11:01:59 - West Windmill Pasture
11:03:15 - East Windmill Pasture
11:05:48 - Village Windmill Pasture
11:14:23 - Dominula, Windmill Village
11:24:08 - Woodfolk Ruins
11:32:22 - Mirage Rise
11:39:32 - Altus Tunnel
Thanks for watching!