In this Kotlin android development tutorial we will be creating an interface for the DialogFragment.
Which will send the webpage title to the calling activity using an interface.
Once the main activity has the title it will find the matching title in the WebBackForwardList using a Kotlin range. Upon completion of finding the match the WebView’s goBackOrForward function will be called with the correct offset. Which will result in the history page being loaded.
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1 - Kotlin Webview • Kotlin android development tutorial -...
2 - Kotlin Toolbar • Kotlin android development tutorial -...
3 - Kotlin Browser • Kotlin android development tutorial -...
4 - Kotlin ArrrayList • Kotlin android development tutorial -...
5 - Kotling DialogFragment • Kotlin android development tutorial -...
6 - Kotlin Interface • Kotlin android development tutorial -...
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In this tutorial we will cover:
Creating a Kotlin Interface
Creating a lateinit variable to represent the interface
Implementing the DialogFragment onAttach() to initialize the variable
Calling the interface from within the on click listener
Implementing the Kotlin Interface in the main activity
Using a range to find the matching web title
Loading the correct web page from the history list
Kotlin API's covered:
Range: for (i in 0 until webHistory.size)
Explicit cast: webHistory = context as WebHistory
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