Madness Day 2021: Expectation VS Reality (FNF Week 8)

Опубликовано: 10 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Archi Ace

Madness Day 2021: Expectation VS Reality (FNF Week 8). After the leaks from one of the developers of the game - Phantom Arcade, many people were waiting for the release FNF week 8 on September 22, but alas, our expectations were not met.

Using the example of the song Accelerant from Hank's mod, which is very similar to week 8, I imagined how it might look a battle between developers for releasing an update on Madness Day. Ninjamuffin99 (the creator and programmer) is against, and Phantom Arcade (the animator who leaked the information) is for. The video was created just for fun (meme or something like that).

▶ Friday Night Funkin' game site:
▶ Hank's mod- Friday Night Funkin' ONLINE VS. [HANK UPDATE]:
▶ Grunt's mod FNF Vs. Grunt DEMO:
▶ Original music: Friday Night Funkin' vs Hank J Wimbleton ft Tricky - Accelerant OST:    • Video  
▶ Devs Twitter:
1. ninja_muffin99:   / ninja_muffin99  
2. Phantom Arcade:   / phantomarcade3k  
3. Kawai Sprite:   / kawaisprite  
4. evilsk8r:   / evilsk8r  

Thanks for watching!

#fridaynightfunkin #fnf #madnesscombat #madnessday #hank #tricky #fnfweek8 #ninjamuffin99 #phantomarcade #archiace