🔥2Pac Ft. Notorious B.I.G, Canserbero, Ice Cube, EazyE.. - Gangsters With Attitude (Mashup)🔥

Опубликовано: 24 Февраль 2025
на канале: Rap Legends HQ

2Pac Ft. Notorious B.I.G, Canserbero, Ice Cube, Eazy-E, Snoop Dogg, Dresta & Cartel de Santa - Gangsters With Attitude (Mashup)
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This is a remix made by me

This is a remix and not an original song by the used artists!

Azzaro channel:    / @azzaro9577  

#2Pac #NotoriousBig #IceCube #Canserbero #SnoopDogg #EazyE #CarteldeSanta #GangstersWithAttitude #California #Gangster #HipHop #Rap #Remix #RapLegendsHQ #WestCoast

2Pac, Cartel de Santa, Notorious Big, Canserbero, Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg, Eazy-E, Dresta, Gangsters With Attitude, Rap Legends HQ, Rap, Hip Hop, 2022 / 2023