Here at the Duolingo English Test, we receive many questions about test prep, or how to prepare for taking the test. Our answer is that the best way to improve your score on the DET is to improve you English proficiency! That said, there are a lot of resources out there to help you get ready to test your best. Caroline talks about some of them in this video, including the Test Readiness page, the Test Readiness Guide, and the Duolingo English Test practice test, where you can practice all current question types on the test.
Here are some resources to help you prepare for test day:
Sign up free:
Test Readiness Page:
Test Readiness Guide:
Practice Test:
How to set up your space video: • Taking an online test from home: How ...
Tips to practice speaking English:
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The Duolingo English Test is a high stakes English proficiency assessment that you can take online, on demand. No need for an appointment at a test center, take the DET from home in only 1 hour and receive your results in 2 days. Accepted and trusted by thousands of universities around the world.
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