Though their considered one of the best rap rock bands of all time, Limp Bizkit is also considered one of the great nu-metal bands as well. List of the best Limp Bizkit albums, including pictures of the album covers when available. This Limp Bizkit discography is ranked from best to worst, so the top Limp Bizkit albums can be found at the top of the list. To make it easy for you, we haven't included Limp Bizkit singles, EPs, or compilations, so everything you see here should only be studio albums. If you think the greatest Limp Bizkit album isn't high enough on the list, then be sure to vote for it so it receives the credit it deserves. Make sure you don't just vote for critically acclaimed albums; if you have a favorite Limp Bizkit album, then vote it up, even if it's not necessarily the most popular. If you want to know, "What is the Best Limp Bizkit album of all time?" or "What are the top Limp Bizkit albums?" then this list will answer your questions. Albums include everything from Significant Other to Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water.This list of popular Limp Bizkit CDs has been voted on by music fans around the world, so the order of this list isn't just one person's opinion. You may want to copy this list to build your own just like it, re-rank it to fit your opinions, then publish it to share it with your Facebook friends, Twitter followers or with any other social networks you use regularly....more
0:00 - Intro
0:00:08 - Stampede of the Disco Elephants
0:00:16 - Results May Vary
0:00:23 - Gold Cobra
0:00:30 - The Unquestionable Truth (Part 1)
0:00:38 - Three Dollar Bill, Yall$
0:00:46 - Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water
0:00:54 - Significant Other
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