Modules in Python | Packages and Modules in Python | Import Modules
What is a Module? Consider a module to be the same as a code library. A file containing a set of functions you want to include in your application
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Packages and Modules in Python
Import Modules
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In this video I have explained following:
Library in python, packages and modules in python, Need of Modules, What are modules?, Types of Modules, How to import Modules, How to create your own Module, Advantages of using Modules
Modules in Python are the python files containing definitions and statements of the same. It contains Python Functions, Classes or Variables. Modules in Python are saved with the extension .py
There are two types of Python modules:
1. InBuilt modules in Python
2. User-Defined Modules in Python
What is an Import Statement in Python?
The import statement is used to import all the functionality of one module to another. Here, we must notice that we can use the functionality of any Python source file by importing that file as the module into another Python source file.
How to Import Modules in Python
For importing modules in Python, we need an import statement to import the modules in a Python file.
Modules in Python can also contain variables in them. Variables like tuples, lists, dictionaries, objects
Python Modules Search Path:
In the previous sections, we have seen how to import the modules using the import statement. In Python, when we use the import statement to import the modules. The Python interpreter looks at the different locations.
The order of search is in the following order:
1. Current Directory
3. Default Installation Directory
At first, the interpreter looks in the current working directory.
If the module is not found in the current working directory, then the interpreter will search each directory in the PYTHONPATH environmental variable.
If now also the module is not found, then it will search in the default installation directory
Renaming a Module:
Python provides an easy and flexible way to rename our module with a specific name and then use that name to call our module resources. For renaming a module, we use the as keyword.
custom modules,
python sys.path
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