Power Apps Tab Index and Child Controls in a Container
Hey Everyone,
In this video, We first start by learning what the "Z" pattern means and then look at scenarios. Then we focus our attention on the Priority child and the Enable child control focus feature that are available inside a container. Then we see how the two work together to improve the user interface for those who prefer to use keyboard navigation.
Prioritize child controls: Determines the order of navigation (Z-order) for child controls on canvas when pressing tab key on the keyboard.
On (Default): Pressing the tab key on the keyboard will first progress through all child controls before moving the focus outside of the selected container or component instance. This option is recommended for similarly nested HTML elements.
Off: Pressing the tab key on the keyboard will progress through all controls only based on Z-order, ignoring parent-child relationship between controls or containers for keyboard navigation.
Table of contents
Introduction 0:00
Tab Index 0:45
"Z" pattern 1:30
Disable Tab Index 2:40
Container and child controls 4:24
Demo 1 with container 5:54
Demo 2 with container and disable child prioritize property 8:27
Demo 3 with overlapping containers. 13:04
Demo 4 real-world example 18:50
Conclusion 20:15
Helpful link(s)
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#PowerApps #Container #TabIndex #CanvasApps #Apps