I made my EU1KY antenna analyzer quite a while ago. Found some new enhanced code by DH1AKF. He made a larger frequency range possible and added some nice features.
I did not particually like the crowded main screen and had some troubles with people pressing calibration buttons.
That is why I decided to create an other menu structure. I put all things not related to daily use in a setup menu and put the calibration functions in an other sub menu.
I just wanted to show you how things are working.
Wolfgang is posting most recent codes on http://www.cqham.ru I used a code he "released" around april 2 2018 and mainly did some cosmetic work on it.
I left all itmes for dayly use on the mainscreen and moved all kinds like settings to a lower level in the menu Setup. In this menu you will find Configuration, Colors, DSP and Calibration.
Calibration takes you to an other level where you can find OSL and Hardware calibration. (This was to prevent accidental unwanted calibration)
One other little thin I changed was the maximum frequency. For 160 Mhz we have 479 Mhz as max (3x160) and for a chip that runs 200 Mhz we can use 599 (3x200) I had problems if I wanted to use 600Mhz, somehow the the hardware calibration lost the signal at 99%
I seem to have troubles with Multi SWR, but don't know if that is because of my alterations. The fifth frequency does not show and the frequencys do not seem to get stored properly.
I hope you like the menu structure lik this, maybe Wolfgang can implement it is his code.