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in this tutorial, we will explore how to convert a python class object into a json (javascript object notation) format using the json module. json is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate.
make sure you have python installed on your system. this tutorial assumes a basic understanding of python classes and the json module.
let's start by creating a simple python class that we want to convert to json.
here, we have a person class with three attributes: name, age, and city.
now, let's serialize an instance of the person class into a json-formatted string using the json module.
in the code above:
if you want to save the json data to a file, you can use the following code:
now, you have a file named "person_data.json" containing the serialized json data of the person class instance.
that's it! you've successfully converted a python class to json using the json module. this process can be extended to more complex class structures and is particularly useful when working with data serialization and storage.
#python11 #python11 #python11 #python11
python class definition
python class constructor
python class property
python class init
python class method
python class inheritance
python class variables
python classes
python class attributes
python class example
python json dumps
python json to csv
python json pretty print
python json parse
python json
python json loads
python json library
python json to string