After a year of playing Ring Fit Adventure, I have made a video about my year long experience about Ring Fit Adventure based on my experience playing Ring Fit Adventure for a year
/ cptastro
Music Used:
The Champion Mipha - Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity OST
Oh Yeah - Yello
Emergency - Astral Chain OST
Victory Theme - Octopath Traveler OST
Quest Clear - Monster Hunster 4 Ultimate OST
Heavensward (Final Fantasy XIV) - Final Fantasy Distant Worlds V
Tied To Tomorrow - God Eater 3 OST
Glory/Ruin (Calm) - Fire Emblem Fates OST
Glory/Ruin (Deeds) - Fire Emblem Fates OST
Ghost Love Score
Rock Me To The Top
One Wing Angel - Final Fantasy Distant Worlds