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In the video, we have explained what is a Tuple in Python.
This is a very useful and informative video for beginners.
This video is a part of our course - Data Analysis with Python ( Basics )
Tuple is a collection of different data-types like Integers, Floats, Strings.
Each element or value of the tuple is called an 'Item'. We can also say that a Tuple is a sequence of items.
A Tuple is created within ( )
List Vs Tuple
List is created within [ ] while Tuple is created within ( )
List items can be changed while Tuple items can't be changed
Tuple = ( integer , float , string )
Properties of a Tuple
1. A tuple allows duplicate items(values) in it.
2. A tuple is immutable. It means a tuple items can not be changed after creating the tuple.
Indexing in a Tuple
Why Use Tuple ?
Tuple is used if you have to create a sequence of constant items which not needs to be changed later in the program
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#datascience #python_tuple #bigdata #dataanalytics