1. OPM and ILE
2. The languages:
a. RPG (Report Program Generator)
b. SQL (Structured Query Language)
c. CLP (Control Language) – bash on linux, shell scripting in windows .bat
d. Java
e. PHP
f. .NET
g. COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language)
h. C++
3. Additional links:
a. Why RPG/RPGLE is still used? https://intellias.com/ibm-as400-moder...
b. Official IBM I language support https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/i/7.5?top...
c. Share of programming languages used today: https://itjungle.com/2020/08/24/is-it...
#AS400 #IBM #ibmi #languages #programming #cobol #cobol400 #rpg #rpgle #opm #ILE