FLP: https://adflyfly.com/lifeb
Don't cry that he's gone. Smile that he was here.../
Не плачь, что он ушел. Улыбнись, что он был здесь...
“Life Is Beautiful "is the third single from Lil peep's album" Come Over When You Are Sober", Pt. 2. This track is a reissue of one of the old songs called "Life".
So what is the end result? Is life beautiful or terrible? What will all this lead to in the end? Are you going to die alone, or are you going to die in your girlfriend's arms? Are you going to spend your whole life in a job that you don't like, or are you always going to do what you like? No, my dear friend, everything has been decided for you. They'll kill your family if you don't start moving.
Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful.
If you are interested in this project, you can suggest your options for what else to do. Everyone sees music in their own way, and that's the beauty of it/
Если вы заинтересованы в этом проекте, вы можете предложить свои варианты того, что еще можно сделать. Каждый видит музыку по-своему, и в этом ее красота.
✉Email: [email protected]
Subscribe and offer your options, what else to do/
Подписывайтесь и предлагайте свои варианты, что еще делать.
Enjoy watching and listening/
Наслаждайтесь просмотром и прослушиванием.
Rest in peace, with love, Benvinls.