In this Python Tutorial Strings video we'll talk about String type in Python, and basic Python string manipulation:
What are Strings in Python, what is String data type and for what it is used.
How to create a String object, what are Python String literals.
String concatenation,
Python String methods,
How to call strings methods in Python,
using of id() function
This video is the third video of my Python in depth tutorial.
And this is the first video about strings, strings will be touched more in further videos.
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** Other videos of the Python Tutorial Playlist **
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Python Tutorial #1: Data Types in Python and Real World
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Python Tutorial #2: Python Strings and String methods
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Python Tutorial #3: Python Numbers Tutorial and Math operations
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Python Tutorial #4: Python Variables, overriding, dynamic typing in Python
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Python tutorial #5: Immutability of strings, strings formatting
• Python tutorial #5: Immutability of s...
Python tutorial #6: Python FUNCTIONS Tutorial
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Python tutorial #7: Python Namespaces and Scope
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Python tutorial #8: Python Boolean Tutorial and If statement
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Python tutorial #9: Python LISTS Tutorial
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Python tutorial #10: Python FOR loops tutorial
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Python tutorial #11: Python DICTIONARIES Tutorial, None type in Python
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Python tutorial #12: WHILE Loop Python Tutorial
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Python tutorial #13: Python FILE Handling, file objects, WITH context manager
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Python tutorial #14: Python EXCEPTION Handling Tutorial
• Python tutorial #14: Python Exception...
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Python Tutorial #2: Python Strings and String methods [2021]
• Python Tutorial #2: Python Strings an...
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