Infinite Transmog Farming - How to Make 24,182 Gold Per Hour in WoW

Опубликовано: 27 Декабрь 2024
на канале: WTBGold

Awesome new gold guide on how you can earn 24,000 gold per hour in World of Warcraft with transmog farming in AQ20.

The premise of this walkthrough is that you can only farm most raids once per week. However, now that we're level 90, we have a small enough aggro radius that we can run by the bosses and mobs that automatically start boss encounters and only pull trash packs.

Information and Stats:
Dungeon - Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj (AQ20)
Goal-Transmog (Lofty, Glorious, Vanguard)
Mob Level Range - 55-62
Lootable Mobs Per Run - 170
Nearest Flight Master - Uldum: Oasis of Vir'Sar

With any dungeon farming, the goal is to do as many runs per hour as possible, so here in the description I'll expand on some tips and tricks on how to speed things up.

For the first room, the goal is to do one initial pull to clear out a bunch of wasps, and then grab everything and pull it down the stairs. I didn't do this in the video because one wasp pack got out of range and that's why this run was 14 minutes instead of 10. (for real, there's a chain reaction and it messes up the whole thing). Don't bother taunting the Vile Scarabs, they don't drop any loot, gold or transmog. But grab 4 packs of wasps with the gladiators, kill them, run around the pillar, and range pull any wasps you can as you run down the steps into the next Hive Zara wasps. Should be at 1:00. There are potentially 4 packs of wasps here, and these all drop Glorious and Exalted transmogrification gear. You can ranged pull the mobs by the boss if you hit the one nearest you without aggroing Kurinnaxx but I only do that if they're already on my side. In the filming of this run, they were on the opposite side and it wasn't worth waiting 30 seconds for 3-6 mobs.

For the Shieker Scarab and Spitting Scarabs, I'm considering running this whole loop rather than what I showed in the video, where I pull half of the area, finish farming the dungeon, and then kill the other half on my way out of the dungeon. It adds about a minute to the farm but also adds about 10-15 mobs and some Silicate Feeders and Gladiators (The Qiraji Gladiators can drop Glorious Legplates which sell for sell for 50k) When it comes to epic mog, scarabs don't drop Vanguard gear, only Glorious and Lofty it seems, so you need to go deeper into the dungeon to farm the more commonly dropping Vanguard.

On the way to Ayamiss' room, pull the Anubisath Guardians. I don't recommend rounding up all of them in the room, but if you can more or less run a straight line to the next room and grab 5 mobs, go for it. By the way, can someone test whether their adds drop loot, please? I've been curious.

This part of the dungeon farm is my favorite. I covered everything for this room in the video, just try to avoid the Hive Zara Wasps for as long as you can while you pull all the Silicate Feeders. You can pull the boss here so don't aggro the ones near Ayamiss unless they're as far away from him/her as they were in the video. (A lot had dropped so far and I was behind, so I was trying to hurry)

For the next pulls, you can jog into the maggot room on your way up if you want, of course. I just pull with moonfire and was out of mana, so I did it on my way back. It's all up to you.

In total, we made 60,000 gold in 3 hours. My runs lasted between 10 minutes each and 17 minutes each, and generally got faster as I went along, so if you're slow at first, don't worry, just keep going, you'll get better. Transmog prices are according to Tradeskillmaster WowUction. I used to use TheUndermineJournal GE for prices but the site is temporarily down until Warlords of Draenor, so just download TSM and you'll be fine.

NOTE TO BLIZZARD: Do I think this should be nerfed? Honestly, while it's definitely a contender, for obvious reasons, and could easily be nerfed by putting an invisible wall on the top little catwalk next to the first scorpion boss, I don't think it should be. When Cata was released, Deathwind not only destroyed zones, but he fixed many quest lines that needed fixing. However, one of these ended up taking out all level 58 and 59 non-elite vanilla mobs in the game- the only farmable thing that reliably drops Glorious and Vanguard gear. With each level decrease the drop rate halves, and we have to farm lvl 55s in Hive Zora with a (0.3%)(1/2)(1/2)(1/2)(1/2) of dropping from each bug. My argument is that yes they are 50,000g and we may flood the market, but that's ok. It needs it for these particular overpriced items. The only downside that I would fully support a nerf for would be the other middle tier mogs that only sell for 300g. I imagine we'll see a pretty large influx of them. Either way, not my decision, but subscribe and comment if you have anything to say! :)

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Big thanks to SilentThunder for sharing the concept of skipping bosses in the raid first.