Using Easy2Boot, we build the ultimate USB Toolkit. Download it at
Though this video does not cover it, a lot of people have asked if this supports UEFI support...Yes, It does! See the information in this link - I plan on doing a video with a tutorial on this in the soon as I find the time!
I would like to offer my deepest thanks to the YouTube user steve6375. He is the developer of this software, and has been invaluable to answering questions that people have had in the comments section. Check out his channel right here - / steve6375
Based on a few comments that I've gotten, I think a lot of people don't fully understand the purpose of this device. I'm getting people saying "Noooo don't put all of your critical data on this one device!"'s an all in one I.T. toolkit. It's so you can have your tools in one easy convenient place, like, your pocket. Put your critical data somewhere safe, like, not your pocket, and make backups.
As some have pointed out, there are some ISOs that won't boot. Usage my vary, but almost everything I've tried has worked. Here's a list of ISOs that have been tested by the developer.
Also, (very few people) have left comments saying something like "This is a virus". To that, I say if you don't trust it, don't use it. But if you're going to accuse a man's software, do it with proof. Steve has worked very hard on this software, and offers it for free, and is offering free support, to boot. He has been very transparent with being the developer. Online Scanners especially Totalvirus reports false positives. Here's the word about this from steve6375;
"The AV false positives are usually due to the self-extracting exe wrapper. InnoSetup which is used by many developers (and some malware!). If you download the zip file you can unzip the contents and check the E2B files yourself. Because E2B is revised and improved every month or so, it is pointless trying to get the AV vendors to whitelist E2B. On some days Windows Defender can decide that E2B is 'malware' too, depending on how it feels on that day! If sites like MajorGeeks, FossHub, Softpedia, etc. carry it, then you should be fairly safe to assume it isn't really malware. Since E2B is downloaded about 2000 times each day and has been around for 6 years, it should be OK for you to use.
Try it yourself - get a bunch of harmless .exe files and make a self-extracting .exe file from them - then submit the exe to VirusTotal and you will probably get loads of false positives too!"
I personally made my USB stick over 8 months ago, and used it on dozens of PCs. I've not experienced any ill effects anywhere, and of everyone who has tried it, no one to my knowledge has reported any malicious effects.
Again, use your best judgement, and ultimately it has to be your own decision to make for yourself.