#WorldDigitalLibrary #audioversity
~~~ World Digital Library ~~~
Title: What is World Digital Library?, Explain World Digital Library, Define World Digital Library
Created on: 2018-11-28
Source Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_D...
Description: The World Digital Library is an international digital library operated by UNESCO and the United States Library of Congress. The WDL has stated that its mission is to promote international and intercultural understanding, expand the volume and variety of cultural content on the Internet, provide resources for educators, scholars, and general audiences, and to build capacity in partner institutions to narrow the digital divide within and among countries. It aims to expand non-English and non-western content on the Internet, and contribute to scholarly research. The library intends to make available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from cultures around the world, including manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, architectural drawings, and other significant cultural materials.The WDL opened with 1,236 items. As of early 2018, it lists more than 18,000 items from nearly 200 countries, dating back to 8,000 BCE.
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Source: Wikipedia.org articles, adapted under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... license.
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