In this tutorial, you'll learn about global error handling in Angular. You start by creating a "GlobalErrorHandler" service using the Angular CLI. This service implements the ErrorHandler interface and has a "handleError" method for dealing with errors. You can log errors, display messages, or send them to a logging system.
Then, you provide the global error handler service in the "app.module.ts" file's providers array. You can either use a basic approach or a more detailed setup to handle all errors using the GlobalErrorHandler class.
Finally, you test the global error handler by intentionally causing an error in the "MovieSummary" component and seeing how the global error handler manages it.
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00:00 Introduction
00:09 Need for global error handling
00:48 Creating error handler service
01:44 Service structure explained
02:05 Implementing error interface
02:38 Handling error options
03:16 Register in app.module.ts
04:52 Testing error handler
06:12 Error caught and logged
06:22 Thank you