00:00:00 Opening
00:00:15 Consumer Surplus (including Q&A)
00:37:26 Classroom Experiment: Seeing the Invisible Hand
01:14:41 Producer Surplus
01:24:49 Economic Well-being
01:33:15 Market Efficiency and Market Failure
01:46:27 Organ Donation
01:55:42 Summary
NTU OpenCourseWare
Course Title: Principles of Microeconomics (with Recitation)
Instructor:Joseph Tao-yi Wang
Unit URL: http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/ocw...
License: Unless noted, this work is licensed by Joseph Tao-yi Wang for the use of NTU OCW ONLY. The copyright belongs to the above mentioned licensor.