What can you use to fertilizer your bonsai? Four and a half types of fertilizer are explained, their pros and cons. Which do you use?
Should you use organic pellets? Inorganic fertiliizer? Liquid Fertilizer? Or maybe use foliar fertilizer? The benefits and concerns for each of them discussed.
0:00 About bonsai fertilizer
1:03 Mineral versus organic fertilizer for bonsai
2:25 Solid fertilizer versus liquid fertilizer for bonsai
3:50 Origin of fertilizer types
4:55 Wait time for nutrient availability in a bonsai pot
6:10 Fertilizer availability duration for bonsai
6:50 Pros and cons of different fertilizer types for Bonsai
11:50 Foliar fertilizer for bonsai
14:10 How to use solid organic fertilizer
The previous video explaning the role of elements in fertilizer: • Understanding Bonsai Fertilizer (What...