Magical Story
Colgate made stronger teeth but with the magical story it made children to play with it.
My landlord child was so much enthusiastic. We always had good time each other. Well supported parents will try to do everything to make their child happy. It happened so that after watching add on TV she wanted to do play #ColgateMagicalStories. Me and the child always had good time together, Land lady called on my mobile and explained the situation. While returning from office I bought her few chocolates along with the pack of Colgate Dental Cream pack which filled with the Magical Castle.
She was over joyed by seeing it and immediately started to cut and play with it. Watch my video while she playing with it. At the end everyone happy with her creative #ColgateMagicalStories
My bond with the child got even stronger, it wouldn’t have happened without child’s parents. I believe that the parents play a major role in the development of a child.
Thank you #Colgate