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Links to the original videos:
1. Anonymous - --- ( London Ontario Canada )
2. Anonymous - --- ( Orlando, FL )
3. Anonymous - --- ( London Ontario Canada )
Anonymous - --- ( London Ontario Canada )
4. u/beaker90 - --- [oc] wrong way driver ( Texas )
5. Carl Haas - --- Truck lost it's Tire right after leaving shop. Destroyed road, so close to a pile up ( Hwy 5, Texas )
6. FishinHaze - --- Stop sign runner, impeding traffic, and brake check. ( Duluth, MN )
7. Very close call - --- ( Riverhead )
8. Jon Joiner - --- ( Phoenix, AZ )
9. Anonymous - --- ( Scottsdale Arizona )
10. Mile High Driver Guy - --- Garmin 5/21/2024 ( ANCHORAGE )
11. redtailedhawk - --- ( London Ontario )
12. Freeranged - --- ( I-635 Dallas )
13. busta - --- ( Orinda, CA )
14. u/coffee-and-chess - --- No-look lane change in an intersection, why not? [OC] ( Michigan )
15. Scott - --- ( Kingsville Maryland )
16. Grriceman - --- ( Rockledge, FL )
17. u/AThrowawayProbrably - --- [OC] I know you guys love convenient cops. ( Georgia )
18. T Love - --- ( Indianapolis, Indiana )
19. Anonymous - --- ( Grand Rapids MN )
20. Anonymous - --- ( Lake Wylie, South Carolina )
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Intro song:
My Country - Ben Bostick