New Evidence for the Shroud of Turin w/ Fr. Andrew Dalton

Опубликовано: 17 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Matt Fradd

Matt speaks with expert on the shroud of Turin, Fr. Andrew Dalton LC, about ... you guessed it, Jesus and the Shroud of Turin, and why it's authentic and what that means.

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0:00 Intro
9:15 The Image
13:30 Is the Shroud fake?
20:25 Shroud of Turin Research Project: STURP
24:31 The Photo Negative
29:29 Does the Shroud Prove Christ rose?
35:12 Why not re-carbon date the Shroud
36:15 Sue Benford and Invisble Weave
39:39 Radio Carbon dating and Arizona 1 and 2
43:10 Who is the man of the Shroud?/How was it made?
48:30 Soil from the middle east
50:12 Leading science in Doubt of the Shroud
54:15 The Shroud in Scripture
1:06:10 Who would need to approve new carbon dating?
1:08:45 "Those Two Priests" Priests
1:10:00 Are there other Shrouds like this one?
1:14:14 Best replicas of the Shroud
1:21:37 Encoded 3D information
1:26:11 The Blood Stains
1:29:18 Where were the nails?
1:33:10 The Scourging
1:37:18 The Crown of Thorns
1:42:20 Jesus on the Cross
1:48:18 How the Shroud affects us
1:50:00 Sweating Blood and Judas
1:52:30 Pontius Pilate
1:54:29 Jesus showing his Love
1:56:20 Prayer
1:58:03 The Shroud and the Tilma
2:00:48 Was Christ's backbone exposed?
2:02:48 What blood type is it?
2:04:10 What should Shroud advocates stop saying?
2:08:48 Resources on The Shroud
2:10:15 True Face of Jesus
2:13:50 Do tests show a first century Origin
2:15:45 "Not by Human Hands" icons
2:21:35 Anatomic Perfection and Lancing
2:27:47 Dating and records
2:34:50 The Path of the Shroud
2:40:50 Miracles linked to The Shroud?
2:45:04 Did Jesus have a Loincloth?
2:47:44 The hidden meaning of Thorns
2:57:47 What is wrent open?
3:01:00 Dating again
3:02:30 Wrap Up