Apex Legends has FINALLY released the Aftermarket Collection Event Trailer, and we're taking a look at the brand new patch notes on October 1st to see what exciting news is inside! Details on crossplay, limited time modes like "Flashpoint", the new Caustic Heirloom, and more are here, so let's talk about that! SUBSCRIBE so you never miss a video or live stream!
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September Soiree, Dummies Big Day, Tier List, Rankings, Season 6, Rampart, Sheila, Boosted, Crafting, turret, Kraber, Voidwalker, Broken Ghost, Lore, Ashes to Ashes, Ash, Loba, Revenant, Octane, King's Canyon, Wingman, Apex Legends, Battle Pass, Evolution, Bloodhound, Trials, stream, ranked, Apex Predator, Master, Wraith, Lifeline, Mirage, Caustic, Crypto, Gibraltar, Pathfinder, Bangalore, Wattson, Crossplay, PC, Xbox, Playstation, ALGS, Play Apex, Respawn, Volt SMG, September Soiree Sale, SRVN MRVN, Aftermarket, Collection, Caustic Heirloom,