After binge playing Borderlands 2, noticed how decal effects and storage were setup/stored. And how nasty transulcent decals played into performance. So i setup a master decal variable array to store decals for each player with a specified/changeable limit(in this video, its at 30. So each spawn of a blood decal, it gets added, once the limit is hit, each new decal replaces the oldest decal(index 0). I also added footprint blood effects when walking over blood. based on animNotifies when the foot hits, and getting the socket transform, i was able to apply a decal on step. The line traces you see are for blood splatter on successful hit. taking hit location, and randomly rotating from origin out, and on hit, has chance to spawn blood splash. furthermore, i added a hit from direction function on the enemy(behind,front,left,right) this will help determine animations for getting hit from specific directions/crits/stealth, and with the AI behavior/aggro/turn to face instigator functions ill be adding after my side discovery with isolated ecosystem. The In/Out Blend amount can be setup in such a way depending on the impact of the hit(9mm || 762). Every hit the bone is registered/known, so in theory, i could take the instigator(player) location, bone hit location, and do a per bone blend on the hit. easy for generic humanoids, but im working towards a data driven approach that i could just throw enemy types at. I also setup a blueprint component thats universal for pawns/characters that can be altered on a per enemy basis. in video, i setup 3 death animation montages, blending from pawns pose, to just about the end of the pose, i enable ragdoll. this helps create a bit more believeable death sequence. I was having issues with the spawned dismembered limbs with impulse force fukering with the owner of limb, so created a new object channel(BodyPart) and a RadialForceComponent which would then only influence spawned parts. not the owner mesh or surroundings.