Oil production cuts by OPEC and Russia in 2017 & 2018 have caused the prices of oil to rally, largely by ensuring a shortfall in supply. US shale oil from fracking will increase supply and pull against the rally. What's in store?
Bisbo's earlier videos on Oil Prices:
Petrol prices: Why prices remain high at the pump: https://Why oil prices remain low? • The history of oil
• Why consumers are paying more for petrol
Fracking: Is the frantic search for oil responsible for terrible earthquakes? • Is fracking responsible for the terri...
Bisbo's other stories on the Indian Economy:
NaMo and DeMo: One year after demonetization: Was it good or bad for India? • India after one year of demonetisation
Is the Bullet train is good for India? • Is the Bullet train good for India?
What is GST: Dummies guide to India's new Good & Services Tax: • What is GST and its guide to India's ...
The Budget game: What to expect from Modi's Union budget of 2017: • First budget after demonetisation
Bisbo's Limerick:
Don't forget to watch Bisbo's Limerick at the end of each video, that neatly sums up the topic.
Oil-oil, on the boil
Balance of payments it’s going to spoil
What’s good for OPEC
Makes others say “Oh heck”
Unfortunately we just don’t have any under our soil
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