How to Fix d3dx9_43.Dll Missing Error for All Games and Apps in Windows 10/8/7.
The d3dx9_43.dll file is one of many files contained in the DirectX software collection. Since DirectX is employed by most Windows based games and advanced graphics programs, d3dx9_43 DLL errors usually show up only when you use these programs.
D3dx9_43.dll is missing error usually affects games, and speaking of this error, here are some common issues reported by users:
D3dx9 43 dll missing Windows 7, 8.1, 10 – This issue can appear on almost any version of Windows, and even if you don’t use Windows 10, you should be able to apply most of our solutions.
D3dx9_43.dll missing PES 2017, League of Legends, Resident Evil 6, World of Tanks, Street Fighter X Tekken, Oblivion, Black Ops, Far Cry 4, GTA 5 –Apparently this issue can affect many games, and if you encounter this problem, make sure that you install the necessary version of DirectX.
D3dx9_43.dll is not found – This is just a variation of the error, and in most cases you can fix it just by updating your drivers.
This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops,and tablets running the Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7 operating systems.Works for all major computer manufactures (Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, Samsung).