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In this tutorial, I show you how to basically group tracks together using compositing in Sony Vegas Pro 10. Compositing is the process of mixing video tracks to create a single layered output. You can use compositing in conjunction with masks to cover portions of video or to limit the effects of a filter as shown in this tutorial.
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If you have any Sony Vegas tutorial requests, feel free to leave a comment below and I will try my best to fulfill those requests.
Vegas Pro 365 (Subscription): http://bit.ly/2SRbqpq
Vegas Pro 16 Edit: http://bit.ly/2ER4ZPg
Vegas Pro 16: http://bit.ly/2XBAFj3
Vegas Pro 16 Suite: http://bit.ly/2SRbLII
Vegas for Beginners
Vegas Movie Studio 16: http://bit.ly/2NN7k0C