Questions from Audience:
Question 1, 35:05, "Is the JDK Flight Recorder available for free in all OpenJDK versions?"
Question 2, 35:42, "In order to make use of JFR, are there any default events included, or do you have to program your own custom events?"
Question 3, 36:44, "Does JFR have support for virtual threads?"
Session description:
Joakim works in the JVM Sustaining Engineering group at Oracle. He started at Oracle in 2020, and has previously worked as a Java developer within telecom and speech recognition. In the sustaining team he works on many areas of the Java Virtual Machine, ranging from garbage collection casualties, flight recorder investigations, to compiler-related wrongdoings. In his sparetime Joakim has worked with the GNU Classpath and other Java virtual machines over the years, trying to (with some success) port a JVM to obscure operating systems (Amiga!).
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