Ingest - Meanings Pronunciation Examples and Synonyms

Опубликовано: 02 Октябрь 2017
на канале: Master American English Vocabulary

We should look at this captivating word ingest. Ingest is widely used in other forms ingestible, ingestion and ingestive.
Here Is Jump Start Chapter Markers :
(00:16) Learn About ingest
(00:24) Meanings Of ingest
(00:50) Synonyms Of ingest
(01:18) Examples Of ingest

Let us jump into what ingest means?
Take up mentally
Take (food, drink, or another substance) into the body by swallowing or absorbing it
Serve oneself to, or consume regularly
Absorb (information)

Learning synonyms makes your writing and speaking more varied and fun, and also helps you to expand your vocabulary. here are some synonyms of ingest.
Take in

Here are some representations about word ingest.
They ingest oxygen from the air
He spent his days ingesting the contents of the library
Lead will poison anyone if enough is ingested

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