The increasing number of variants, growing complexity and ever shorter release cycles pose great challenges for developers of embedded software. Continuous integration can help to shorten development times. By combining static and dynamic code analysis in a continuous test process, a significant increase in quality can also be achieved.
By using automatic code analysis tools, statements about the current software quality can be made at any time during development. Furthermore, various metrics can be generated for documentation and control of the project.
In this webinar you will learn how test automation reduces the time and effort required to comply with industry regulations such as MISRA C:2012 and ISO 26262.
Panelists in this joint webinar with Vector Informatik are Daniel Kästner (AbsInt), Mohamad Ballouk and Winfried Schröder (both VECTOR).
Fast and robust runtime error analysis
Worst-case stack usage analysis
Worst-case execution time analysis
Compliance with coding rules of MISRA, CWE, ISO/IEC and SEI CERT C
Cross-tool interaction
Continuous integration
Continuous testing
Code Coverage
Auto testcase generators at software unit level