If you haven't seen the previous parts, go back and take a look. In earlier videos, I showed how to set up Python 3.8 in an optimal way for Discord bot development, then started a journey of how to create a functioning bot app that users can interact with.
In this video, I'll go through got to make the discord bot actually do something that roughly acts like a real Pomodoro timer. The explanation will then include some state management, and we'll add working support for items like start, stop, time and help. At the end of the video, I'll tell you what I plan to do next. There's also one mistake I make that I was unable to resolve within this video, so if you know what went wrong, help me out in the comments section.
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Code can be found from here:
You can make a clone of it, study it, play with it. Note that code is ahead of this video since when I make new ones, I push them on top of old ones. Read the README file for instructions on how you can check out the code for a specific session. If you just want to see the final result - so far - no need to go back in time, the final commit is always the best available at the time.
Note: I created a short video to show how you can use git commands to find the code for each episode: