Hey guys! Here is another SCP:SL video, just like the com-45 in 12.0, they added a 914-only item in 13.0 this time it's ANTI207, or cola-conta, I'm gonna call it A207 from now on. Read below for the full list of effects.
How to make: Normal 207 on 1:1 (A207 has the exact same 914 changes as normal 207, no anti 1853 and such)
Makes you slower instead of faster
HEALS you instead of damaging you, the slower you move, the faster it heals, this stacks with other A207s. This seems to use 207's damage chart but backward, running damage is now standing healing, and so on.
Drinking normal 207 with it causes a pink candy-like explosion!
Prevents you from dying once, leaving you at 1 HP and removing all currently active A207s from you. NOTE: 173, PD, Death pit/chaos car, and its own explosion STILL kill, everything else is fair game though.
1853 still poisons you, nothing special.