Event: Ley Line Overflow
World Level 7
(If your world level is lower or higher the rewards will vary accordingly, but either way it is incredibly worth it to farm the ley lines this week)
Gives double reward on Mora and Hero's Wit this week, so:
20 resin = 120,000 mora or
20 resin = ~9 Hero's wit + ~12 Adventurer's Experience
The closed captioning function should be working but this is the dialogue from the video, just in case:
Hey guys! The Leyline Overflow event is simple and perfectly timed. When I was streaming, I remember reading a lot of complaints about being low on mora. Now is the perfect time to farm it!
You pay 20 original resin for 120,000 Mora and 40 companionship xp which is the same as if you had spent 40 resin in the form of condensed resin. They only let you claim this double reward 3 times per day but if you do it everyday this week that will be a little more than 2 million mora. If you don’t need mora as much and you just want hero’s wit, the value is still significant and worth farming!!
#Genshin #Mora #Event #Ley #Line #Overflow