How to clone a page in wordpress website (2023)
In this video, we'll show you how to clone a page in wordpress website. This tutorial How to clone a page in wordpress website will help you to easily duplicate a page or create a backup of a page.
Cloning a page in wordpress is a quick and easy way to keep your website safe and up-to-date. This video will teach you how to clone a page in wordpress and keep your website safe and up-to-date in the process!
In this video, I'm going to show you how to clone a page in a wordpress website. This is a great way to quickly create a copy of a page that you can tweak to your own needs.Cloning a page in wordpress is a great way to create a duplicate of a page on your website. This is a great way to easily copy a page and make changes to it without having to create a new copy of the page. After watching this video, you'll be able to clone a page in wordpress quickly and easily!
How to clone a page in wordpress website