#Create A Bridge On Mikrotik
#MikroTik Bridge
#Creating Bridges (LAN)
Ethernet-like networks (Ethernet, Ethernet over IP, IEEE 802.11 in ap-bridge or bridge mode, WDS, VLAN) can be connected together using MAC bridges. The bridge feature allows the interconnection of hosts connected to separate LANs (using EoIP, geographically distributed networks can be bridged as well if any kind of IP network interconnection exists between them) as if they were attached to a single LAN. As bridges are transparent, they do not appear in the traceroute list, and no utility can make a distinction between a host working in one LAN and a host working in another LAN if these LANs are bridged (depending on the way the LANs are interconnected, latency and data rate between hosts may vary).
Learn About Bridge: https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual...
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