Redfall - Rum Runner & Blacklight Down achievement guide

Опубликовано: 05 Январь 2025
на канале: Bing! Game guides

Redfall - "Rum Runner" and "Blacklight Down" missable achievements can be both acquired in Burial Point, during the mission "What does Bellwether know".

To unlock the first one, you need to enter Bellwether's stronghold via the bootlegger tunnel. The second achievement requires you to turn off Bellwether's defensive UV lights and leave them off for the duration of the mission.

Other Redfall achievement guides:    • Redfall achievements  

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Redfall achievement guide / "Rum Runner":
Enter Bellwether's stronghold via the bootlegger tunnel.

Redfall achievement guide / "Blacklight Down":
Turn off Bellwether's defensive UV lights and leave them off.