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Types Of Indirect Tax Before GST, Central excise duty, CST, VAT, Custom Duty, Service Tax, B.Com 5th
Origin and Development of Insurance, Insurance origin and development, Evolution of Insurance, b.com
Shortcoming of Indirect Tax System During Pre GST Era, shortcomings of indirect tax, gst lectures
Type of Insurance, burglary insurance, Cattle Insurance, Crop insurance, types of insurance, bcom
Methods of Handling Risk, Principles and Practice of Insurance, Risk avoidance, risk retention, bcom
Cause of Risk, Sources of risk, Factors causing risk, Principles and practices of insurance, dwivedi
Difference between Direct Tax and Indirect Tax, Direct Tax vs Indirect Tax, direct tax meaning,
Types of Risk, pure risk, Speculative risk, Type of risk in principles and practices of Insurance,
Risk Meaning, Risk in principles and practices of Insurance, risk examples, risk definition, dwivedi
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Absolute Advantage theory, Comparative Advantage theory, mercantilism theory, international trade
Interest Rate Parity Theory, IRPT, Exchange rate theories, Foreign Exchange and Risk Management,
Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Reasoning, Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development, Heinz dilemma,
Black Scholes Model numerical, Black Scholes option pricing Model, financial derivatives lecture
AOA in WTO, Agreement on Agriculture in WTO, WTO Agreements, wto laws, international trade laws
TRIPS Agreement, Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, IPRS covered by TRIPS, laws
GATS, General Agreement on Trade in Services, WTO Laws, International Trade Laws, aktu mba classes
Academic Calendar 2023-2024, aktu news, aktu latest news, aktu odd sem classes, aktu exam news,
2| Indian Economy MCQ, Indian Economy mcq for competitive exams, Indian Economy mcq for bcom,
Cultural Difference, how do people react to cultural differences? cultural differences example
Foreign Trade Development and Regulation Act 1992, Foreign Trade Act 1992, International Trade Laws
Dumping and anti dumping measure, anti-dumping policy, international trade laws, aktu, mba, bba,
Most Favored Nation Treatment, National Treatment Obligation, Principles of non discrimination WTO
Disequilibrium of Balance of Payments : Causes and Measures, Foreign Exchange and Risk Management