This brief module wraps up the installation process by demonstrating how to confirm that Asterisk is running properly.
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I needed 2 TORCHES for this.......
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KnowMads "Sunday Night"
Response Cache / Public Cache
Evénement THEMA 22 - Renewable energy and smart grid par Mr ANIBA Ghassane
MENAComm2021 - Keynote Sessions 2 & 3
MENAComm2021 - Keynote Session 1: "Towards an Internet Machine"
2M ضيف الحلقة - محمد عنيبة الحمري - "ترتوي بنجيع القصيد" جائزة المغرب للشعر 2020
تحديات طلبة الدكتوراه و البحث العلمي بالمغرب
Enactus EMI Documentary - The Light of Transformation
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Affectation 2020 EMI - Les profs répondent à vos questions
EMI - Affectation 2020 (Live Administration)
Trailer for Ghassane Aniba's Channel
Initiation à la Recherche, outils pédagogiques et techniques
Block 0.04: Introduction
Block 1.07: CSP Technology
Block 5.04: Measurement Techniques for Optimization II: Deflectometry
Block 6.04: Measurement Techniques for Optimization III: Thermal Performance Testing
Block 0.03: Introduction
Block 0.02: Introduction
Block 6.02: Measurement Techniques for Optimization III: Thermal Performance Testing
Block 6.03: Measurement Techniques for Optimization III: Thermal Performance Testing
Block 4.01: Measurement Techniques for Optimization I: Photogrammetry
Block 3.02: Fundamentals of Qualification and Optimization
Block 4.07: Measurement Techniques for Optimization I: Photogrammetry
Block 1.03: CSP Technology
Block 1.08: CSP Technology