#5 Python Tutorial for Beginners | List in Python

Опубликовано: 12 Март 2025
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In this lecture we will learn:
What is a list in Python?
Lists are mutable
Creation of a list in Python
Methods available with the list
Functions performed with a list

Lists are used to store multiple items in a single variable.
We have to use a square bracket [], and in that square bracket, we can store multiple values.
We can print the list through the variable name.
Lists are Mutable which means values can be changed in the list.
We can also get the single value from the list using the index value.
The index value is 1 less than the size of a list as the index value starts from 0.
e.g., If the size of the list is 5, then its index value lies in the range of 0 to 4.
We can fetch only those values from a list that are in the range of index values of it.
We can also get a sub-list of a list by using the slicing in a list.
We can also fetch the value from a list through negative numbers similar to strings.
A list of strings can also be created.
We can also create a list that can store values of different data types.
Like it can store integer value, float value, string value etc, in a single list.
A list of lists can also be created which means a list can also store different lists in it as well.

Several operations can also be performed using it and it has many in-built functions and methods to use.
nums. shows all the functions that are available with the list.
Ctrl + Space can also be used to show the methods.
append method is used to add a new value to the end of a list.
clear will clear the entire list.
insert method can add a value in between the list at the specified index.
A particular element can also be deleted through the remove method.
pop method will also remove the element through the index value and return that deleted element as well.
If you don't specify the index value in the pop method, it will delete and return the last element from the list.
del is a command through which you can delete a sub-list or multiple values from a list.
del list name[start:end]
extend method is used to add multiple values or a sub-list in a list.
sort method is used to get listed in the sorted order.

min() function is used to get the minimum value present in a list.
max() function is used to get the maximum value of a list.
sum() function returns the sum of all of the values present inside the list.

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