Learn Next.js by building a custom API with MongoDB using the latest app router. You will build an authentication system that can register the user, login, create a secure cookie with JWT Token, use email service, verify the user's email, forget password, middleware route protection, and much more. Also, you will learn about integrating Appwrite for the back end. Finally, you will learn about deploying everything to Vercel.
️ Course developed by
️ Contents ️
(0:00:00) Start, basics and Prerequisites
(0:04:56) Project structure, diagrams and tech stack
(1:09:07) Signup and Login
(2:10:44) Middleware in Nextjs
(2:52:22) User verification with email
(3:48:26) Nextjs deployment with database connectivity
(4:01:50) Nextjs meets Appwrite
(4:07:31) How to integrate Appwrite to nextjs
(4:44:02) Nextjs component to talk to Appwrite
(5:14:24) Appwrite nextjs and context api
(5:53:52) What’s next after this
Thanks to our Champion and Sponsor supporters:
Agustín Kussrow
Nattira Maneerat
Heather Wcislo
Serhiy Kalinets
Justin Hual
Otis Morgan
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