Landscape version of the floating globe clip. A globe is levitated as there is a magnet in it plus a magnet at the top of the holder. They attract each other, but at a certain distance the magnetic force and the weight of the globe balance.
ind vs nz sl team
Литвиненко -все не так
39 SVM Functional Margin and Geometric Margin
8. ДНЕВНИК ТАТУ МАСТЕРИЦЫ • первые сложности в студии
НАБИЛИ ИМЕНА ДЕТЕЙ С ОШИБКОЙ // плохие тату Америки ep.1
OctoBREAK 2016. PROFI 2 vs 2.
Static electricity levitation! #physics
The Slow roller! What is happening here? #physics
Earthquake simulation of 2019 Central California quake
The size of Greenland, compared to the USA
Super quick ice melt by conduction in widescreen! #physics
GCSE Physics Revision: Electricity Part 1: Static Electricity
GCSE Physics Revision: Forces Part 3: F=ma (N2) car safety mass weight terminal velocity
Floating globe 2 #physics #magnetism
GCSE Physics Revision: Forces Part 2: types of force, vectors, scalars, resultant force, Hooke's Law
GCSE Physics Revision: Forces Part 1: speed velocity acceleration graphs and equations of motion
Radioactive Decay sample size comparison: 50 and 50,000
How metals are separated at recycling facilities #physics #eddycurrent