Learn HTML Forms in 90 minutes
All about HTML Forms
#html #htmlforms
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:00:11 - HTML Forms
00:00:51 - Syntax
00:01:30 - CODE DEMO: Simple form
00:04:45 - HTML form elements
00:05:14 - Input element
00:05:35 - CODE DEMO
00:06:33 - label element
00:07:07 - CODE DEMO
00:07:56 - Select element
00:08:56 - CODE DEMO
00:12:59 - Text area element
00:13:35 - CODE DEMO
00:14:48 - button element
00:15:01 - CODE DEMO
00:16:10 - fieldset and legend element
00:16:29 - CODE DEMO
00:17:37 - datalist element
00:18:00 - CODE DEMO
00:19:46 - output element
00:19:58 - CODE DEMO
00:23:02 - action attribute
00:24:25 - CODE DEMO
00:25:24 - target attribute
00:25:59 - CODE DEMO
00:27:49 - method attribute
00:28:37 - CODE DEMO
00:29:06 - autocomplete attribute
00:30:09 - No validate attribute
00:30:30 - CODE DEMO
00:30:51 - Input types
00:31:07 - Input type: text
00:31:20- CODE DEMO
00:33:14 - Input type - password
00:33:29 - CODE DEMO
00:35:54 - Input type - submit
00:36:24 - CODE DEMO
00:37:04 - Input type - Reset
00:37:29 - CODE DEMO
00:38:07 - Input type - Radio
00:38:27 - CODE DEMO
00:41:00 - Input type - Checkbox
00:41:33 - CODE DEMO
00:43:45 - Input type - Button
00:43:54 - CODE DEMO
00:44:53 - Input type - Color
00:45:04 - CODE DEMO
00:46:04 - Input type - Date
00:46:25 - CODE DEMO
00:48:58 - Input type - Date time-local
00:49:10 - CODE DEMO
00:49:51 - Input type - email
00:50:12 - CODE DEMO
00:51:14 - Input type - image
00:51:30 - CODE DEMO
00:54:34 - Input type - file
00:54:47 - CODE DEMO
00:55:36 - Input type - hidden
00:55:59 - CODE DEMO
00:57:40 - Input type - month
00:57:50 - CODE DEMO
00:58:52 - Input type - number
00:59:09 - CODE DEMO
01:01:53 - Input type - range
01:02:21 - CODE DEMO
01:03:39 - Input type - search
01:03:47 - CODE DEMO
01:04:42 - Input type - tel
01:04:54 - CODE DEMO
01:06:40 - Input type - time
01:06:49 - CODE DEMO
01:07:55 - Input type - url
01:08:12 - CODE DEMO
01:09:11 - Input type - week
01:09:23 - CODE DEMO
01:10:30 - value attribute
01:10:51 - CODE DEMO
01:11:37 - readonly attribute
00:11:59 - CODE DEMO
01:12:42 - disabled attribute
01:13:05 - CODE DEMO
01:13:24 - size attribute
01:13:54 - CODE DEMO
01:14:17 - maxlength attribute
00:14:35 - CODE DEMO
01:15:12 - min and max attribute
01:15:45 - CODE DEMO
01:16:07 - multiple attribute
01:16:29 - CODE DEMO
01:17:04 - pattern attribute
01:17:28 - CODE DEMO
01:17:39 - placeholder attribute
01:18:21 - CODE DEMO
01:19:00 - required attribute
01:20:21 - CODE DEMO
01:20:56 - step attribute
01:21:10 - CODE DEMO
01:21:34 - autofocus attribute
01:21:53 - CODE DEMO
01:22:03 - height and width attribute
01:22:17 - CODE DEMO
01:22:28 - list attribute
00:22:58 - CODE DEMO
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