Act 1 Scene 8 Odyssey Ki Movie: While waiting for another video to render, realized that what would finish off the fighting words and mood between Braknai and Taleron would be this next song from A1S8 Demo Reel featuring Judas Priest in their classic song "You Got Another Thing Coming". It is uploading now. Obviously all rights belong to one of the best bands ever during my youth along with Iron Maiden which has a few songs that Braknai would like as his motion capture equipment is enroute to properly animate his beastly form in the cage, to the death. A quick visit to the Uribanni fortress basement aircraft hangar and holographic display room are previewed, as well as Braknai's secret nature recluse behind the hidden hangar door.
All music rights belong to Judas Priest
All video and images property of 7th Planet LLC 2017