Finished the MW3 campaign live on stream. Here is the full VOD for anybody interested. I'll also have time stamps to every mission. Thanks for watching :)
Time Stamps:
0:00 - Stream Intro
16:47 - Operation 627 (Mission 1)
35:12 - Precious Cargo (Mission 2)
50:48 - Reactor (Mission 3)
1:06:05 - Payload (Mission 4)
1:28:58 - Deep Cover (Mission 5)
1:40:54 - Passenger (Mission 6)
1:47:30 - Crash Site (Mission 7)
2:01:54 - Flashpoint (Mission 8)
2:10:13 - Spanking Makarov
2:17:23 - Oligarch (Mission 9)
2:35:21 - Highrise (Mission 10)
2:52:32 - Frozen Tundra (Mission 11)
3:21:05 - GORA DAM (Mission 12)
3:31:28 - Danger Close (Mission 13)
3:50:10 - Trojan Horse (Mission 14)
3:52:16 - Pet Dog
3:59:53 - Countdown (Mission 15)
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